Saturday, May 20, 2017

Solutions for all kinds of Cyber attacks & Ransomware / Wannacry

Solutions for all kinds of Cyber attacks & Ransomware / Wannacry

At High Speed IT Network Services LLC (HSIT) (, an end-to-end security solutions provider, offers security consultancy services, digital and network security products that meet customer requirements, solution implementation models, and a holistic, cost effective management and operation of security solutions.

Ø  Network Security        :  Firewall Solution (Cisco, Juniper, Sonicwall, Fortinet, & Watchguard)
Ø  Endpoint Protection   :    
 1.Antivirus (McaFee, Kaspersky & Symantec)
                                                      2.Data Encryption,
                                                      3.Desktop Firewall.
                                                      4.Patch updation
         5.USB Protection

Cyber Attack….. Massive Ransomeware attack... Total 150 countries got affected...
May/12/2017 saw the biggest ever cyber attack in Internet history (yes, bigger than the Dyn DDoS).  A ransomware named WannaCry stormed through the web, with the damage epicenter being in Europe.

WannaCry leveraged a vulnerability in Windows OS, first discovered by the NSA, and then publicly revealed to the world by the Shadow Brokers. In the first few hours, 200,000 machines were infected. Big organizations such as Renault or the NHS were struck and crippled by the attack.

Ransomware has been a growing trend for the past two years, and this is just a culmination, a grand reveal to the wider world of just how big of a threat it is. But we’ve been writing about this for a while now.

The UAE is the second most targeted country in the Middle East for 'ransomware' attacks, in which cyber criminals steal and encrypt files until a ransom is paid, according to a new Internet Security Threat Report from security-giant Symantec. No attacks are reported from UAE yet.

According to Symantec, ransomware attacks are continuing to escalate worldwide as they provide a lucrative business for criminals. The company has identified over 100 new 'malware families' over the last year, more than triple the amount seen previously, as well as a 36 percent increase in ransomware attacks globally.

High Speed IT Network Services LLC (HSIT)
Engineers suggest the Firewall/Network Security as per your needs and requirements.

For any assistance :
Call 0566127073 /

What is Ransomware?

Ransomware is a malicious software that encrypts  the files and locks device, such a computer, tablet or smartphone and then demands a ransom to unlock it.

Recently, a dangerous ransomware named 'Wannacry' has been affecting the computers worldwide creating the biggest ransomware attack the world has ever seen. This has affected computers all over the world.

What is WannaCry Ransomware?

WannaCry ransomware attacks windows based machines. It also goes by the name WannaCrypt, WannaCry, WanaCrypt0r, WCrypt, WCRY.It leverages SMB exploit in Windows machines called EternalBlue to attack and inject the malware.

Please install the patch
All versions of windows before Windows 10 are vurnerable to this attack if not patched for MS-17-010.

After a system is affected, it encrypts the files and shows a pop up with a countdown and instructions on how to pay the 300$ in bitcoins to decrypt and get back the original files. If the ransom is not paid in 3 days, the ransom amount increases to 600$ and threatens the user to wipe off all the data. It also installs DOUBLEPULSAR backdoor in the machine.

What can you do to prevent infection?

 Microsoft has released a Windows security patch MS17-010 for WinodwsØ machines. This needs to be applied immediately and urgently.

 Remove Windows NT4, Windows 2000 and Windows XP-2003 from production environments.Ø

 Block ports 139, 445 and 3389 in firewall.Ø

 Avoid clicking on links or opening attachments or emails from people you don't know or companies you don't do business with.Ø

 SMB is enabled by default on Windows. Disable smb service on theØ machine by going to Settings > uncheck the settings > OK

 Make sure your software is up-to-date.Ø

 Have a pop-up blocker running on your web browser.Ø

 Regularly backup your files.Ø

 Install a good antivirus and a good antiransomware product for better security.Ø

File Names:
• @Please_Read_Me@.txt
• @WanaDecryptor@.exe
• @WanaDecryptor@.exe.lnk
• Please Read Me!.txt (Older variant)
• C:\WINDOWS\tasksche.exe
• C:\WINDOWS\qeriuwjhrf
• 131181494299235.bat
• 176641494574290.bat
• 217201494590800.bat
• [0-9]{15}.bat #regex
• !WannaDecryptor!.exe.lnk
• 00000000.pky
• 00000000.eky
• 00000000.res
• C:\WINDOWS\system32\taskdl.exe

For any help / assistance or guidance reach;
Call 025554789 / 0566127073
Please send this important message to all your computer users


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